BluegrassNet sells and supports Hosted Exchange services. This allows businesses who do not want to invest in a regular Exchange Server, or Small Business Server, to utilize full-blown Exchange functionality via individual accounts on a shared Exchange server. This functionality includes shared and private e-mail, calendaring, tasks, notes, contacts, and more.
Hosted Exchange is a viable option for organizations that want to harness the power of an Exchange server but don’t want to pay for a full server license, buy the appropriate hardware and deal with the maintenance. Basically, you are buying a seat on a big shared Exchange server.
A Hosted Exchange plan typically costs between $10 and $20 per month, at BluegrassNet it runs between $9 and $12 per month. That cost typically includes a centralized e-mail server that stores email, contacts, appointments, notes, and tasks all in one place. You can have this information synchronized (via Direct Push synchronization) with multiple mobile devices such as the iPhone ,Blackberry, or Android, as well as your Outlook client or through the web interface. When traveling, the web interface is a very convenient feature and the increase in mobile productivity may be worth the price all by itself.
When working with on projects with external clients, you might also benefit from Sharepoint capabilities that are often bundled with a Hosted Exchange account. SharePoint combines a centralized document repository with collaboration, project tracking, and content management tools. Using SharePoint, you can easily and efficiently manage projects and enhance the flow of communication in your business.
We are local and can support it not only by phone, but by coming out to your office too!
We are a full fledged IT consultancy and can integrate the Hosted Exchange piece with your other IT infrastructure as well. We work well with internal IT departments.
We are working on the biggest Hosted Exchange infrastructure in the United States, so it’s financially solvent, yet at the same time you get the personalized service that only a local company can provide.
Our role as a Regional ISP lets us understand the nuances of “networking”, in other words, if you go on the road, and your Hosted Exchange is not working right, we can help you at least identify what the problem may be you are experiencing, such as firewall rules preventing you from operating properly, or bad network peering, etc. It may not always fix it, but will save you time by understanding what is worth fixing vs. moving on.
To Order Or Get More Information, call: 502-589-4638
Quality Internet Connections & Server Hardware: BluegrassNet is connected via multiple Gigabit backbones and uses on the best quality servers using quality-recognized components.
Access To Top-Notch Tech Support, Engineering & Development Staff: BluegrassNet is home to an entire on-site staff that can deliver personalized consulting services. We specialize in managing mission critical, high-traffic websites.
Ability to Address Custom Requirements and Solutions: If you have to bring your site from elsewhere, or complex programming has made moving your site difficult, or if you have been abandoned by your former webmaster, we can help. We work and fix troubled websites every day.
Affordability: BluegrassNet’s pricing is considered very competitive. Your company’s budget is always in our mind.